Mammoths could roam ‘Ice Age Park’ by 2028

Mammoths could roam ‘Ice Age Park’ by 2028

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Scientists in Russia remain optimistic that the woolly mammoth can be resurrected within a decade. The ambitious plan aims to bring back not only woolly mammoths, but also several other prehistoric beasts that went extinct over the last 10,000 years such as cave lions and saber-toothed tigers.The brainchild of researchers at North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) in Yakutsk, Siberia, the project will involve extracting viable DNA samples from specimens preserved in permafrost.

Due to global warming, several such specimens have become exposed over the last few years including some extremely well-preserved mammoths, wolves, horses and caribou. In some cases, it may even be possible to extract DNA that has barely degraded at all.

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According to the university’s director, Evgenia Mikhailova, the resurrection of the woolly mammoth could be possible within as little as ten years.

Plans to build a “world-class paleo-genetic scientific center” at the university are already underway.

It might not be Jurassic Park, but if the plan succeeds, it will surely be the next best thing.

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